Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Wed, Aug 20 - one more day!

8.08am - blueberry smoothie and some fresh fruit, at home, halfway out the door in a rush to get to work and get stuff done before I leave tomorrow.9.18am - bumble bar, at work
10.52am - more fresh fruit, at work. It occurred to me that I didn't have any fruit or veggies yesterday, so today I'm overcompensating.
1.29pm - random mixed salad from Mrs. Winston's, including tuna salad, wasabi ramen salad, braised tofu, a bunch of greens and sprouts, some steamed asparagus, some banana chips etc., outside work
9.18pm - Ritesh made an excellent, excellent farewell dinner - homemade pasta sauce from Nady's gorgeous home grown tomatoes, with a little bit of carrot in it, just like Roberto's mamma makes it. With gnocchi, some super spicy meatballs fabricated from Italian sausages, and home made garlic bread. Delicious! Makes me not want to leave ... 9.22pm - and some Chianti. Which is, coincidentally, where my godson from London was christened a couple of years ago, Greve en Chianti in Tuscany. It's hard to fathom that at the time, 2 years p.b. (pre-blog) I did not bother to capture all the fantastic food we had. What was I thinking?

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