Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sun, Aug 17 - tomato panini

10.28am - two stunning figs from Nady's garden, plus some whole wheat banana breadpudding w/ walnuts and coffee liqueur soaked raisins, at home.1.55pm - Ritesh's outrageously spicy salsa made from Nady's tomatoes, with an omelette, avocado and pita, at home.
3.02pm - some Ben&Jerry's with strawberries, at home, with Ritesh
8.10pm - a panino made with rice-milk mozzarella, avocado and some of Ritesh's spicy salsa, at home, with Ritesh.
8.17pm - decided the salsa was better served with avocado and tortilla chips
8.20pm - panino No.2, made by Ritesh, with one of Nady's tomatoes, a roasted Jalapeno, and rice milk mozzarella, before it went into the panini grill.
8.26pm - the grilled panino in all its glory

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