Thursday, August 21, 2008

This blog is hitting the road...

…so to speak. Really, it’s getting on an Air France flight to Paris, for a culinary speed tour before heading on by train to Germany to steep for a bit in this girl’s native habitat.

The blog doesn’t get out much, and has certainly never been abroad, so this is a very exciting time. I doubt I'll have time to blog in Paris, but will do my best to catch up on Monday.

Only downside to all this is that Ritesh is staying home. He's already been to Europe this year and is saving his vacation days (and dollars) for some more exotic travel in the fall. So, I guess it's just the blog and I, spending some quality time together.


Laura Davis said...

Have lots of fun Petra & safe travels:) My mother is German, but I have never been to Germany.

Joon Oh said...

Sounds great, have a safe trip.

Unknown said...

missing your posts, babe. give us some glimpses of your trip. hope you are having a nice time. miss you.

The Speaking Goat said...

I've been checking this regularly - expectantly waiting for my torture. But I've only just noticed the superb link! Mind blowing - must get some for the iPod.

Petra said...

Thanks guys!

Laura - you should give Germany a try! Are you interested? Sorry for the goofy video, it's really not that bad...

Simon - are you in fact saying you like Franzl Lang?!?!? I'm amazed! He is the best of his kind, for sure...

Just for the record, though, I am NOT from Bavaria, and am not currently surrounded by lederhosen-wearing yodelers.