Friday, April 25, 2008

Fri, April 25, 2008

8.27am - bought a somewhat excessive amount of strawberries at the farmers market yesterday (3 little tubs for $5, so of course I had to get 3), so here goes: fresh strawberries with some raw halvah (ground sesame seeds mixed with honey) and some coffee soy milk, at home10.28pm - raspberry soy yogurt w/ fresh strawberries, walnuts, sprouted cereal AND a pistachio nut bar. Stressed out at work.
2.09pm - a fuji break at work. Discovered that Michael Pollan, he of the quote in my blog's header, just had a great new article in the NYT. This was the high point of my day, and not just because he seems to have borrowed the title of my welcome message. It's all downhill from here...
2.33pm - some microwaveable Indian chickpea cholay thing from Trader Joe's that I found in my desk drawer at work. What can I say. Bad day when you can't even get out for a bite. I will say this though: Time for Ritesh to come home and cook up some of the real stuff!
3.39pm - hyper-processed protein bar that tasted like styrofoam. Can't believe I fell for this one. This is the kind of pseudo-food they sell at the convenience store in our building, at work.
6.56pm - leftover ginger-turmeric soup from yesterday, at home. Phew.

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