Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Tues, Dec 23

8.33pm - Moroccan leftovers - perfect breakfast food: The sugary and buttery cinnamon-almond flavor of the bisteya, along with its fake chicken protein, plus the nice spice of the veggies - kind of like a plate of French toast and breakfast links w/ hot sauce. Loved it.10.20am - some Lebkuchen, at work. Am still very pathetically tied to my desk, slaving away like crazy to tie up this year.
1.30pm - some of Ritesh's mom's home -cooked rajmah (Indian kidney beans) that she brought when they came over on Sunday , with some naan, at work6.38pm - sadly cheese-less French onion soup, from Bristol Farms, at home, with Ritesh. We need to make one of these soon - it's a Christmas tradition at my parents' house, and I'm really missing it these days....
7.02pm - some Death Valley Chipotle Kettle chips, at home, with Ritesh - and that's a Christmas card from his relatives from Texas that I got a kick out of....

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