Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thurs, Dec 4 - Bohemian poppy seed oatmeal!

8.09am - Bohemian as in from Bohemia, the western part of the Czech Republic, were one set of my grandparents was from. The region (as well as my grandmother) is famous for poppy seed pastries / dumplings, so I'm very happy about this idea, and very pleased with the outcome. Granted, it is a bit on the sweet side what with all the raisins in it but hey, it tasted great. Grandma would have been proud. I made a big pot of this, so Ritesh took some to work (he doesn't eat breakfast until later, if at all) and he liked it, too!11.15am - some fresh pineapple that Ritesh cut up last night, at work, while admiring Focus Feature's marketing clout - they bought ANOTHER Variety cover page for Milk!
1.36pm - Brazilian salads, rice and beans w/ farofa, some fried plantains and grilled salmon, at Ummba Churrascaria, outside work2.20pm - the first imported Christmas goodies from Germany arrived at Gelson's! Love this stuff - Lebkuchen and Dominosteine. Can eat myself silly on this.
8pm - for whatever reason, I seem to be on some kind of a pasta binge - whipped up some spelt pasta w/ tuna-caper sauce, at home
8.21pm - a couple of Lucifer's ginger-chili cookies, and one little Hawaiian treasure, while blogging, at home

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