Monday, December 22, 2008

Fri, Dec 19

8.19am - this is what I've had every morning all week, and never took a picture of because I don't take pictures of the endless cups of tea I drink - but this one should really be documented as there's some extras in it: ginseng tea w/ fresh squeezed lemon juice and agave nectar, at home
10.25am - and another thank you breakfast at work, this time from our team leaders. This is an egg bagel, with some salmon spread, and some strawberry cream cheese for the second half, plus a bit of Starbucks coffee, with everyone in domestic and international, in the conference room on our floor. 12.15am - a great chocolate bagel ( never had that before either) w/ strawberry cream cheese, at my desk at work, after explaining to my boss that thank-you-bagels are all very nice and appreciated, but that I intend to keep more normal work hours and an overall more wholesome work-life balance next year
the pianist playing the grand piano in our lobby, as I'm heading out to acupuncture during my lunch break
7.35pm - Ritesh made dinner! Tasty spinach daal on the right, and a great veggie shaak using a vegetable that is a cross between broccoli and cabbage (would have loved to have seen that raw) on the left, at home

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