Monday, July 7, 2008

This blogger needs a break...

... and get her life in order. Blogging can take a chunk of time out of your day and as such lends itself beautifully to justifying procrastination in other areas of life. But this girl has to get some stuff done, so here's the deal:

No more blogging, until what has had to be done for WEEKS finally gets done. There's a whole list of things that need attending to, but most notably this includes a traffic ticket trial by declaration, organizing summer travel (yes, we'll be taking the blog abroad!), getting my professional situation straightened out (in my head, more than anything, but this also involves some research, emails and meetings), and, last but not least, formatting and sending the pictures I took of their adorable offspring to Nadya and Laura.

There's more, of course. I'm nothing if not an excellent list keeper. But these are the priorities. And until I'm done, this blog is officially on hiatus.

Wish me luck, and hasta pronto...


The Speaking Goat said...

Hurry back, I'll miss you.

And don't worry about anyone giving you a tough time at work - they're all pillocks.

Laura Davis said...

Awww, I will miss you Petra! Yes, hurry back!:)

Joon Oh said...

Good luck!

MONSTER said...


Nah, just kidding, we want you back in the swing of come back when you're ready!