Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Mon, July 21 - CPK

7.40am - cereal, strawberries, walnuts, sesame and hemp seeds, w/ coconut rice milk, at home. As an aside, this is week 30 of the blog...13.05h - Jambalaya spaghetti at CPK, w/ Mohamed, an old flame from film school days in Paris who's in town for a Fulbright. Nice to see him again, and interesting how some dynamics just don't change. We didn't talk about what we should have talked about then, and we didn't talk about what we should have talked about now. Instead, we chatted pleasantly about everything and nothing, as though it hadn't been, like, 15 years or so.
Oh, but apparently my accent has changed, from British to American. Ho hum. I remember noticing this as it was happening, and being acutely unhappy about it at the time. But I trust this will remedy itself once we live in Europe again...
13.46h - the new smoothie thingie at Starbucks, banana-chocolate vivanno, with Mohamed
13.53h - they brought around samples of the mango-orange-banana vivanno, too. I don't know, but I doubt this stuff will reanimate the franchise. At Starbucks, with Mohamed.
19.31h - peach, plum and cherries, at home
20.50h - fresh steamed marinaded artichokes with an awesome home made basil aoli, made with home made mayo, at home, with Ritesh
21.13h - and some pesto spaghetti to use up that leftover basil, shared with Ritesh, at home

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