Saturday, July 19, 2008

Fri, July 18

7.43am - omega 3 bar w/ chia seeds, before working out. Another gloomy morning on the beach.9.05am - fresh coconut, mango and walnuts, at home
12.00h - pistachios, at work
14.45h - Indian leftovers for a late lunch. Work is just getting busier all the time.
19.14h - warm foccaccia at San Gennaro Cafe, which sells itself as "genuine New York Italian Cuisine", with Ritesh
19.41h - vitello alla cognac w/ a veal demi-glace, veggies and pasta, at San Gennaro, with Ritesh
19.41h - Ritesh's wood-shaved pasta w/ sausage, tomatoes, garlic and mushrooms, at San Gennaro
20.38h - and dessert at home, avocado-coconut ice cream w/ toasted almonds

1 comment:

Cecy Falls said...

Ritesh is a food genius.