Friday, November 21, 2008

Thurs, Nov 20 - more work

9.07am - a fuji, a pear, and some Kashi 7-grain oatmeal that I found in the pantry at work and threw in the microwave. That's what it's come to around here. Can' t wait for this week to be over. A lot of this craziness is due to two important meetings that are taking place today and tomorrow. So hopefully, maybe, there's a chance things will normalize afterwards...1.46pm - Indian leftovers from Ritesh's dinner last night, or the night before. Not sure which. Am so stressed days just blend into each other. At work.
2.19pm - the digital group had a Thanksgiving potluck, and some goodies leftover: a little cornbead muffin, some bundt cake, and half a coconut cookie is what I looted from the pantry afterwards. At work.
7.02pm - managed to get out early (early??? - it was 6.20pm for crying out loud) to catch a preview screening of Entre Les Murs (The Class - winner of the Cannes Film Festival this year and France's entry for the Academy Awards) at UCLA with Ritesh. Brought a salad from Mrs. Winston's for us to share as dinner. I'd also gotten a bag of popped potato chips, which I left right next to the fridge in the lab, where I'd stored the salad - but guess what, one of my lovely co-workers just took it, right along with the Mrs. Winston's bag they were in. I was a little peeved at first - the lab is not the pantry, after all. But then again, on some karmic level, it's an exchange for the oatmeal and the muffin etc. So it's all good.

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