Monday, November 10, 2008

Mon, Nov 10 - Nadja's birthday

8.18am - bread w/ butter and jam, boiled egg, grapefruit, at home. Today is Nadja's b-day (that's the Nadja in Germany, not the Nadya who came over for dinner on Saturday). German Nadja and I have been friends since kindergarten, so I've celebrated many Nov 10's with her, and the date is etched in my mind - and reminded me that there's still a tiny bit of her mom's home made black currant jam in the fridge! Hence this breakfast. Happy birthday, Nadimaus!
And as an aside, today is also the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, which fell during the night of Nov 9 to Nov 10, 1989.
10.49am - an article in Variety on how Obama is keeping his distance from Hollywood, to everyone's disappointment. Ah well. Oh, and I had some raw almonds and dried cranberries while browsing the trades. At work.
1.35pm - lentil soup and crackers from Mrs. Winston's, at work.
1.45pm - salad from Mrs. Winston's, at work. Today is the first day that the weather is so chilly that having lunch outside wasn't really an option, and that some hot soup was called for. And check out how sad this salad looks, compared to its splendid radiance when photographed outside. So much for my theory that food looks good in California because of the light...
2.18pm - chocolate cherry bumble bar, at work
7.09pm - this is leftovers from El Misti yesterday - this was the dish Ritesh's mom ordered and didn't really like so we got to take it home. I thought it was pretty tasty, although I still don't know what it is ...just some veggies and soy ham or something?
7.29pm - the last piece of tarte Tatin, shared w/ Ritesh

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ach Pedi, endlich schaue ich nach Erinnerung auf deinen Blog und muss geradewegs weinen! Du bist soooo lieb und bedeutest mir so viel! Ich bin froh , dass es dich gibt und ich gebe dich nie mehr her! Nadja