Monday, September 29, 2008

Sat, Sept 27

9.30am - baguette w/ butter, jam, chocolate spread and fresh raspberries, at home2.04pm - my first attempt at a recipe from the Bouchon cookbook: this is the smoked trout salad, with fingerling potatoes boiled w/ garlic, thyme, bay leaf and black pepper, and a lemon vinaigrette made with the yolk of a boiled egg, two kinds of mustard and salted w/ minced cornichons and capers. The original recipe used endives rather than romaine lettuce which was all we had at home, but still - nothing I'd ever have come up with on my own. At home, with Ritesh.
2.26pm - still plugging away at that cherry-lychee-vodka sorbet, at home, with Ritesh.
8.05pm - Nadya, David and Mingus were planning to come over for dinner, but had to cancel as Nady got a sinus infection. So we postponed plans for a buffalo meatloaf and made stuffed peppers and garlic bread instead:
9.07pm - This is a Turkish recipe, which has the peppers stuffed w/ rice made w/ raisins, pine nuts and cinnamon. Bit heavy on the carbs as those peppers were huge, and needed some good spicy sauce, but overall very tasty.

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