Saturday, June 28, 2008

Thurs, June 26 - Going off dairy...

8.04am - fresh-squeezed OJ (you guessed it, from Nady's oranges), Argentinian Mate, at home8.30am - nothing like ice cream for breakfast - home-made avocado-coconut ice cream w/ toasted almonds. I have to explain - I'm seeing a new acupuncturist later today, and I bet she'll take me off dairy again, and it would be a shame to let this ice cream go to waste. So I sacrificed myself.
10.28am - jalapeno-cheese Wetzel dog from Wetzel's Pretzels, outside work. Farewell to cheesy junk food.
11.18am - farewell chocolate-almond croissant, at work
19.20h - leftover Chinese fish and broccoli, at home. As suspected, as of tonight, this blog is now officially dairy free...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck on the dairy free. Nice blog!