Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Rakish Desires

I wanted to regale you with a couple of these beauties... a very classy macaronade at the Little Next Door, with Andrea, pre-surgery
and a supremely indulgent raw and vegan chocolate truffle cake from Cru, at home, with Ritesh
... before pulling a 180 degree turn and presenting my new inspirational role model, Ukrainian yoga master (contortionist is more like it) Andrey Lappa. I am attempting to learn his rather challenging Dance of Shiva and have been reading up on him a little, and here's what he has to say about the theme of my blog:

Food preoccupation or appetite is the result of old rakish desires and the absence of the will to humbleness. It also be connected with the unconscious striving «to tune out» from stress influences and become distracted by the sensations of eating. This is usually connected with the psychic overloads of a modern style of life.

Ho hum. Spoken like the true ascetic-living-in-retreat-in-the-Himalayas-six-months-out-of-the-year kind of guy that he is. But truth is, he has a point. Also, as it happens, my post-surgery self has been a very conscious and sparing eater and doing very well without rakish desires for sugar, cake or ice cream or anything of the sort, thank you very much. Now the question is how I will fare once I re-enter the stressed-out and overloaded work force on Friday....

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