Saturday, January 31, 2009

Things I've never tried before 2

Korean olive leaf tea (made from olive leaves harvested in Australia).

I found this in the pantry at work, where people leave stuff that they no longer want. It hurts my heart to see tea abandoned like this, so I took the orphan home to give it a try. This is loose-leaf tea, so there's no way to prepare it at work anyway. And lo and behold - I like it! It's a little on the bitter side so I can understand why most people won't enjoy it, but I for one don't like sweet or sweetened teas, so this is perfect. Plus it's supposed to have a bunch of health benefits, natural antibiotic properties etc - a total keeper!


The Speaking Goat said...


I've been neglecting you - thought you'd stopped to be honest - but it's good to see you're back on form.

We are just about subsisting on cabbage (home grown cabbage though) - you're maddeningly maddeningly varied diet is maddening.

I guess this one might be for Ritesh. :-)

The Speaking Goat said...

Ahem. That last comment was supposed to have this link: - - for Ritesh.

Petra said...

Ah, ok, I was wondering what you meant...:) will relay your post to Ritesh. I for one totally agree with you, but have to say that compared to the American federal paranoia on this subject, no alcohol until 21 etc., your govt seems pretty benign...

thanks for checking back in!