Monday, January 26, 2009

Moles La Tia

There's this great place out in East LA that specializes in moles, not the burrowing mammal, but the thick and spicy Mexican sauce that is originally from Oaxaca. Moles can be made with any number of ingredients, chili probably being the only constant, but the most famous one must be the mole negro that is made with chocolate, which you can find at most decent (and not so decent) Mexican places around here. However, to get any variety of different moles, you have to trek out east.

Ritesh's best ever fresh horchata w/ jamaica and pumpkin seeds, and my cucumber-lime agua fresca
some pretty limes (Ritesh is forever asking for extras at any restaurant we go to, if it's not limes or roasted chilies, then it's onions or pepper or what have you. He always gets what he asks for, too. Hmm...there's a lesson in there somewhere. I never ask for anything, and guess what that gets me...)and here's the piece de resistance - the mole sampler platter: top left is a pistachio mole that goes with the salmon in the middle, top right is a passion fruit-sesame mole that goes with the veal, bottom right is the notorious mancha manteles (=tablecoth staining) mole poblano, the spiciest one on the menu, to be eaten with the pork, and bottom left my favorite, the velo de novia (=bridal veil), a white mole made w/ white chocolate, white wine and pine nuts, to be eaten with the halibut. Oh My God. This was amazing. Although it has to be said that it totally knocked us out and we had to take a long digestive nap afterwards...

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