Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wed, May 7, 2008

6.56am - protein bar before the 7am bootcamp, on the beach, with Ritesh. Bootcamp is catching up with us, too exhausted to get up really early this morning. Plus it's been a gloomy, chilly day - that heat wave we had must have moved along to Scotland 8.53am - oat bran w/ soy milk, fresh mango, walnuts and black sesame seeds, fresh OJ squeezed from the succulent oranges from Nadya's garden, at home, with Ritesh
9.08am - boot camp makes you hungry - 2 eggs for Ritesh and yours truly, at home
12.45pm - yesterday's ginger-turmeric soup, Ritesh's turkey avocado sandwich (thanks, love!), at work
3.21pm - an apricot Emmi yogurt w/ raw almonds and dried cranberries, at work
7.56pm - Ritesh's bok choy w/ fried tofu and shitake mushrooms, brown rice, at home


The Speaking Goat said...

Thanks for the plug! And what is bootcamp? - sounds terrible - it's certainly way too early. And yes, it's glorious over here still - should last a couple more days too.

Petra said...

oh, it's just an exercise thing, you know, mens sana in corpore sano. Of course, if we spent our days digging around our garden rather than sitting in an office, we wouldn't have to pay someone to chase us around at some ungodly hour in the morning...

Petra said...

... if we had a garden to putter around in, that is...