Friday, May 2, 2008

Thurs, May 1, 2008

7.58am - oranges from Nadya's garden, at home, with Ritesh
10.46am - omelette jambon fromage with French baguette and fried potatoes from Breadbar, outside work. Just for the record, this is one disappointing ham and cheese omelette. For one, it is so overpriced that I imagined it must be truly special and authentically French, and had stayed away from it for months, saving it for that special day when I really needed a French fix. So today was that day. And just for the record, this is NOTHING like the flavorful, delicate, soft concoction you get at any random Bistro in Paris (and for less money, even in Euros). This is a bland, oversized glob of egg that is the wrong color and the wrong texture and certainly the wrong flavor. And they have the cheek to call that abominable American-style ham that they have "Jambon de Paris". And whoever heard of serving fried potatoes with a French ham and cheese omelette? Maybe Breadbar should just drop their French pretensions. I mean, come on, they didn't even give butter with the baguette, or salt for the omelette, so had to go back for both. Sorry for the rant, but what a rip off! 4.03pm - turmeric-hazelnut bread from Breadbar, at work. THIS is what Breadbar does best.
7.03pm - Persian appetizers at Shamshiri, with Ritesh
7.10pm - Persian flatbread with butter, radish, onion, mint and sumac (Persian red spice made from berries), at Shamshiri, with Ritesh
7.28 - Persian doogh (yogurt drink w/ mint), at Shamshiri, with Ritesh
7.38 - Salmon kebab w/ grilled veggies and albalou polo (rice with cherries), covered w/ saffron rice, at Shamshiri, with Ritesh (note the size of the plate compared to the glass in the top right corner!)
7.38pm - fesenjoon (pomegranate-walnut stew w/ chicken), rice, at Shamshiri, with Ritesh

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