Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sun, May 4, 2008

10.04am - leftover Persian cherry rice, fresh soy milk from the Indonesian store, Argentinian Mate, at home12.02pm - bhajyas (Indian garbanzo bean fritters) w/ spicy ketchup, at Ritesh's parents' house (these go into the main dish, but we snacked on some as appetizers)
12.59 - bhajyas with onion and rice added before frying, w/ chutney, at Ritesh's parents' house
12.59pm - green bean shaak, bhaghat muthia (the dumpling/fritter dish), kachumbar (tomato-onion-cilantro-lime mix), toasted bread, at Ritesh's parents' house with the in-laws, Prashant and Suzanne
2.29pm - Prashant's tasty chai, leftover birthday cake
2.47pm - vardyaari (Indian fennel seed mix), a digestive
4.31pm - Mexican junk food (watermelon flavored gummy spaghetti w/ spicy tamarind sauce) from Target, outside Ritesh's parents' house
9.04pm - my green garlic and spinach soup w/ crème fraîche and toasted bread, at home, with Ritesh

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