Friday, November 21, 2008

Wed, Nov 19 - 10 hour workday

8.43am - yogurt, nuts&seeds, grapes, OJ, bright and early at the office12.59pm - a quick escape to the Krishna temple for some healthy veggie food. Getting out at lunch helps me keep my sanity, and makes me more productive (which is all that counts, of course)
1.22pm - Krishna disciples doing some decorating on the roof of the temple
8.11pm - Mexican black bean soup from Whole Foods, with toppings - tomatoes, avocado, green onion, cilantro, as well as some blue corn crackers, at home, with Ritesh, after another late night at work, if not as late as last night. Meanwhile, as I was to find out later, Cecy the trooper was at work until 11pm and had a rice crispie treat for dinner :(
8.22pm - these blue corn crackers are from fresh&easy, and they're great! Cecy - check these out next time you're there...

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