Monday, November 17, 2008

Sun, Nov 16

12.00pm - Silver Palate oatmeal, made w/ vanilla rice milk, w/ apples, walnuts and blackberries, at home, with Ritesh.1.50pm - Indian beans and rice and some OJ, at home, with Ritesh
3.52pm - the wildfires out east and up north have been burning since Friday, and you can smell the smoke everywhere, even inside the house. So we decided to go to the beach, in hopes of catching some ocean breeze. We found a fine film of ashes on our car, and a weird-looking sky with some eerie pale sunlight. We both thought this is what the apocalypse might look like, in a weird post-nuclear kind of way.

The camera doesn't always capture it - here it looks just kinda pretty, but those are some serious smoke particles in the atmosphere...
4.33pm - a fuji, on the beach
what do you call these guys in English? They're "beach runners" in German...
5.14pm - one strange sunset
6.57pm - whole wheat pita and tarama, at home
7.52pm - hummus w/ cucumbers and tomatoes, at home, with Ritesh, before heading out to see Danny Boyle's Slumdog Millionaire. Great movie - check it out if you can!


Anonymous said...

those birds are sand-pipers, if i'm seeing it correctly...

Petra said...

Thank you!