Friday, October 10, 2008

Fri, Oct 10

6.27pm - blueberry flaxseed smoothie, at home. The little cutie is my godson in London, who's turning three next Wednesday.
6.40am - Ezekiel almond cereal and coconut rice milk, at home. Yes, I'm up early. So stressed about work I couldn't sleep so am going in early.
1.24pm - salad from Mrs. Winston's, outside work
4.45pm - a fuji, at work
6.41pm - sizzling three flavor rice soup, at Hop Li, with Ritesh. The first dinner we've had together all week!
6.54pm - spicy garlic eggplant, at Hop Li
6.55pm - a steaming sizzling fish platter w/ black bean sauce, at Hop Li, with Ritesh
7.28pm - dessert. Fortune cookie said something about an exciting vacation in my future. And this when in fact we've been discussing scrapping our vacation and going to support the Obama campaign in a battleground state instead...

1 comment:

MONSTER said...

I think that IS an exciting vacation, and if we didn't have kids...I know my hubby would be doing exactly the same thing! So, good on you, mates!

Mmmm, that food looks SO good....