Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday, March 8

Morning cuppa chai at the hotel. Our window goes out to the back - not the prettiest of views, but it's quiet.
Ritesh looking all spiffy on his way to his first day at the conference
which is this:
Yours truly meanwhile spent a lovely, slow and quiet morning buried in the local Sunday papers and the ultimate Mumbai book, Maximum City. It's Women's Day today, hence the headlines.
post-26/11 concerns still dominate
And here's Maximum City, a Pulitzer-nominated 560 page tome on the First City of India - so gripping I pretty much spent the day with it. I did at some point move to the Barista (kind of like an Indian Starbucks) around the corner and splurged on an almond iced-coffee w/ vanilla ice cream and ground almonds, but really, skipping lunch in favor of this just to keep reading was not such a great idea.
In the afternoon after the conference, we met up w/ Ritesh's cousin who took us for a spin, first to get some tasty snacks that I forgot to photograph (other food pix to come soon, though), then up to Malabar Hills, a fancy neighborhood with great views of the city
such as this one: Chowpatty beach and the Queen's Necklace from the other side of the bay


The Speaking Goat said...

How could a woman possibly decide what to do of an evening! - And 42%! - Pah!

I've just finished the Reluctant Fundamentalist - Mohsin Hamid - Might be a good read for you (although the perspective of the book is Pakistani). It's a good read and gives you a chance to visit and take piccies of the library!

...looking forward to following your adventures...

Petra said...

yes, the Reluctant Fundamentalist is on my list! and yes, am planning to take pics of the Sassoon library here - hope to get to it, time just flies...