Thursday, March 12, 2009


On Tuesday, Ritesh was at the conference all day, so his lovely cousin took the day off and invited me to come back up to Andheri, where they live, to check out the area with an eye on possibly moving there when we come back. Andheri used to be a quiet suburb but is now a very hip and happening place, as evidenced by its being featured on the cover of Time Out Mumbai. On the way to the train station, I stopped at Leopold's for some breakfast: fresh squeezed pineapple-grape juice...
... and a chutney sandwich, sadly not as good as the ones Ritesh makes at home. Oh, and isn't this exactly what I was told not to eat - fresh squeezed juices and chutney? Ah well.
I splurged on a First Class ticket to Andheri -the trains are pretty empty once the rush hour has past, at least in First Class
a stop on the way
in the home decor department at Hyper City, while shopping with Pinky, her mom and little Swayam
lunch with the family - Pinky's mom made dosas!
and idli, my favorite!
complemented by a five-star Sambar made by Sanjib, who is a professional chef! This was an amazing meal, and I ended up having no less than three bowls of sambar, three dosas and four idli... train ride back in the late afternoon

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