Saturday, February 7, 2009

Nady to the rescue!

Having witnessed us failing to resolve our banana pie issues, Nady took pity on us and stepped in and saved the day with her fabulous Banana Dream Pie! This is the stuff of legend: a subtly salty crust, a delicious chocolate-banana filling, all topped not by cholesterol-laden whipped cream, but by a perfect, fluffy and crunchy layer of meringue! This was really supposed to be Ritesh's treat, but I think I loved it even more than he did :) - thanks so much Nady!
Nady also made yummy lasagna...
...and we had both wine AND champagne...
... much merriment ensued...such as Nady and I self-referentially taking pictures of each other taking pictures of each other...
and Ritesh getting his hair sorted out...

It was a very special night, lots of fun and love and hugs- thanks, N&D, for letting us be a part of your family!

1 comment:

MONSTER said...

Always a pleasure having you guys!!!