Friday, April 25, 2008

Chocolate Pasta

So we have this chocolate pasta that we brought from Italy last year and have yet to figure out what to actually do with... It seems like such a great idea, combining the two, only that we can't seem to think of a good sauce to go with it. So the lovely soffietti al cioccolato have been sitting on a shelf behind the dried porcini mushrooms that we don't really use either, destined to be forgotten.
But now that I have all these strawberries, life has changed. I'm thinking I should somehow combine the two, so I dug around in the pantry and liberated them from premature oblivion:
Now I can't stop thinking about the possibilities for sauce... I could just make a strawberry sauce, but I'm more inclined towards some creamy, custardy kind of white sauce, with fresh berries on top... any thoughts/ suggestions anyone?


Laura Davis said...

I know you know this, but...I love your blog!!!
How about a cold fruit/pasta salad. Lots of different fruits like strawberries, blackberries, and, raspberries with walnuts in a yogurt sauce? Or a warm pasta dish with a alfredo sauce with fresh strawberries and mint?
I don't know I've never had chocolate pasta before, but it looks yummy and now I'm starving:)

iiema pYaRA said...
