Friday, September 25, 2009


Now that the pops is home safe and sound and solidly on the road to recovery, Ritesh is finally getting ready to leave for his Fulbright year in India. The exciting bit about this from my end is that I'll be going with him as far as Japan, which is sort of half way to India from here, for a two-week vacation to celebrate our anniversary (guess how many years it's been... :) and for some couple time to recover from just about everything that happened this year. He'll then go on to India, and I'll come back to work (did I mention we're getting restructured?) and will fly out to join him in India towards the end of December.

So we're taking the blog to Japan and will try to blog as much as possible about everything we eat, and then some! Yay!

PS: we're having a really hard time deciding where to stay in Tokyo, Kyoto, on Mount Koya, and possibly in Hakone, Nara, Magome and Hiroshima so are grateful for any recommendations...

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