Sunday, March 9, 2008

Sat, March 8, 2008

8.29am - omega 3 raw food bar, before working out by the beach9.29am - fuji by the beach
12.16pm - living raw food wrap and house salad, kukicha, at Real Food Daily, with Anh Chi
3.03pm - wasabi mustard potato chips while running errands
8.18pm - sizzling soy fish w/ lots of greens at Zen Veg Restaurant in Little Saigon (Westminster), O.C., w/ Vijay, Ritesh and Ritesh's mom
8.18pm - rice paper, a bowl of hot water to dip the rice paper in, and rice noodles to make veggie spring rolls w/ the soy fish and greens above, Zen Veg Restaurant
8.21pm - and a finished spring roll, dipped in peanut sauce, at Zen Veg
8.27pm - a different spring roll, this one w/ chinese yucca and cabbage, served already rolled but with the same peanut dip, at Zen Veg
8.30pm - my helping of a big plate of sweet and sour tofu, shared w/ Vijay, Ritesh and the mom
8.55pm - spicy Hue-style soy-beef soup w/ wonton paper, noodles and sprouts, still at Zen Veg, again shared family style
9.11pm - and finally, a sour sop smoothie as a take-out dessert, much appreciated by yours truly but not by anybody else (thanks, Anh Chi, for introducing me to sour sop back in the day!)

1 comment:

Laura Davis said...

Yum! If I'm ever in Cali for my daughters golf tournaments, we will have to get together and go to some of the wonderful resturants you frequent!
I hope you are felling better:)