Monday, October 13, 2008

Sat, Oct 11 - Rehearsal Dinner

10.29am - pretzel bread from Rockenwagner, courtesy of Phinney (thanks, Phin!), with butter and jam, at home, with Ritesh1.24pm - leftover Chinese food from Hop Li, at home
4.58pm - Greg and Phinney's Rehearsal Dinner at Warszawa!
5.00pm - some lovely Pinot Grigio, at Warszawa, with Greg and Phinney's families, the best man, the maid/matron of honor, and Ritesh, who will be the officiant of tomorrow's wedding
5.oopm - fabulous Polish appetizer plate: pierogi, potato pancake w/ apple compote, Polish sausage w/ horseradish sauce, at Warszawa
5.17pm - mixed salat plate, at Warszawa
5.39pm - Polish lamb ravioli, chicken schnitzel, stuffed cabbage, mashed potatoes, mashed carrots, and some peas with a sweet and crunchy(!) sauce that we need to figure out how to make, at Warszawa
6.10pm - Phinney's favorite dessert: a lemon-ricotta filled crepe w/ a warm raspberry sauce
6.27pm - some chamomile tea
8.50pm - and before we knew it, we were back home and getting ready for the big day tomorrow

1 comment:

Ivan said...

you probably get this a lot, but I totally wish i'd thought of this first. such a cool idea!