Saturday, October 25, 2008

Back on the Wagon!

It seems almost safe to say I'm getting my bearings again. The first week was a bit rough - even when I wasn't actually feeling upset, I'd find myself doing things like avoiding people and phone calls, and getting lost driving to lunch (!), to the extent that I'd have to pull over and get out a map. Also, I think I must have worn the same jeans to work every day for a couple of weeks now. Like I care, at least they're comfy. Plus I'm pretty certain I washed them once, so there.

But overall I have the impression that the acupuncture and the Chinese herbs as well as the ton of other supplements I'm taking and everything else I'm doing are helping, so I've decided to postpone my follow up visit for a few weeks to give it all time to work rather than rushing into surgery. And meanwhile I've gotten to a point where I'm able to see beyond the tip of my nose and enjoy life again. Yay!

We're having a fabulous Indian summer, as hot as they get, with stunning sunsets (and the usual share of wildfires, sadly). It's been blistering out, easily 30 Celsius, but outside the mall across the street from work, they went ahead and put up the Christmas lights around the palm trees. I mean, come one, before Halloween?!? I'll have to take a picture so you believe me...

And the other night, as I was sharing an amazing macrobiotic combo plate with Ritesh on the UCLA campus, I thought, darn, I should have taken a picture of this! I'll have to go get another one to show you, just in case you have doubts about the pairing of "amazing" and "macrobiotic". But I think the blogging bug has gotten me again, so stay tuned for new updates!

By the way, we were picnicking on campus for a reason: Stefan Forbes screened his documentary about Lee Atwater before heading to Boston for the opening night of the theatrical release, and we wanted to make sure we got tickets. So, so worth it! If you are amongst those who sometimes get the feeling that Republicans are an entirely different species from a dark and distant planet and you have a hard time understanding how they ended up as unscrupulous, unethical and crassly aggressive about winning to the extent that they lie, cheat and steal to win an election, this is a good primer on Republican psychology as shaped by Mr. Atwater himself.


Laura Davis said...

I am so glad you are feeling better!

The Speaking Goat said...

I want to tell you to go get your surgery. Am I allowed to do that?

Petra said...

Of course you are! But bear in mind that you come from a medical system where surgeries are performed when necessary or advisable for the health of the patient, not because they're profitable to the surgeon or because the hospital needs to generate revenue. I'll be getting an official second opinion first. The inofficial second opinion I got from a retired MD was to a) not rush into surgery (invasive, scar tissue, high recurrence rate), b) to do research on which surgeon is actually an expert at this kind of surgery and c) to meanwhile continue w/ acupuncture etc. since the risk-benefit ratio is entirely in my favor (unlike w. surgery). So no worries, I'm not forsaking Western medicine, I'm just weighing my options. Thanks for your concern, though - much appreciated!