Monday, October 19, 2009

Tokyo - first impressions

Shibuya at night
prayer requests at the Meji Shrine
at the Meji Shrine
simple lunch of miso soup, kukicha and fantastic grilled mackerel at a little family place in Asakusa
view from our room on the 29th floor of the Park Hotel in Shiodome. Somewhere behind the haze sits Mount Fuji, The red-and-white thing is Tokyo Tower, a replica of the Eiffel Tower and several feet taller than the original.
the high tech toilet in our hotel, complete with heated toilet seat and hydraulic lid
off to the mountains to soak in some hot springs - won't have internet access for a few days. More soon!

1 comment:

Cecy said...

OMG, Petra! I'm taking in Japan from these pictures. They're amazing. Sounds like you're enjoying your time there so no need for me to say "hope you're having a good time". :)